Publication: OperaPlus
Here is a link to a review of Ute’s performance of the ‘Paris,Paris’ selection at the Prague Proms. There are also some great images of the performance accompanying the review.

Here is an English translation:
To Paris with Love, With Ute Lemper
Paris, French chanson, love, charm and the talent of Ute Lemper were the principal ingredients of the intoxicating cocktail this German singer and actor mixed for Prague audience on the hot Sunday night… it was a champagne-based cocktail that immediately made the audience “tipsy”… in the very beginning the singer enchanted the audience with her energy, jazz potency and rhythmical precision. She does not imitate the art of Edith Piaf (as most singers do), Ute Lemper enriches these evergreens with her own conception of dynamics, different kind of phrasing and changing of rhythmic figures… her voice is hoarse in the central register, it has a charming and sensual color, masterful heights; she crosses jazz means with a complete ease, she fascinates her listeners with a constant changing of expressions as well as with her abilities to convey her message in pianissimos and sensual whisper while on the other hand, she is able to explode with passion, bitterness and misapprehension… the artist’s physical feel of music and lyrics is outstanding, gestures and dance figures accompany her singing… it was a one-woman show of a great artists who manifested what a real show is about: there is no need for a rich stage setting, expensive costumes (although her costume, especially in the second half of the evening was very esthetical), or other effects. A fascinating persona, musical talent and the ability to make a connection with the audience will “suffice” to a great show…
Click here for the online link to read the full article.